Pain & Headaches

Pain & Headaches

Our Services


Headaches are one of the most common conditions for which an individual will go to see his/her doctor. Most of us are familiar with many of the classification of headaches; Tension, Migraine, Cluster, etc. While these are legitimate ways in which to name headaches, oftentimes individuals are misdiagnosed as having a type of headache, and subsequently, the treatment they receive is not as effective as it should be.

In many ways this is not the fault of the doctor as there is much overlap that occurs with different types of headaches, and the presentation may look like one type when it is another or even a combination of headaches. The diagnosis of headaches is a murky area that’s difficult to pinpoint. The reason for this is that the physiology, or systems, of headaches is really quite complex and research is still trying to determine what is actually happening when headaches occur. It’s the understanding of this physiology which gives a doctor his/her best ability to help a headache sufferer.

Functional Neurology offers the best ability to assess this physiological function as well as any possible pathology that might be a part of having a headache condition. In cases of problems with headaches, a skilled Functional Neurologist will be able to perform a comprehensive history and examination that will lead to where within this complex system problems might exist that are creating or promoting the headache.

 Based on this information, appropriate treatment can be developed for each individual headache sufferer. In addition, any other factors that might be affecting these conditions such as diabetes, anemia, inflammation, etc. will be addressed as the neurological systems are dependent on an appropriately functioning biochemical system to operate properly.

What we treat
  • Headaches
  • Tension Headaches
  • Migraine Headaches
  • Cluster Headaches
  • Trigeminal Neuralgia
  • Trauma Induced
  • Autonomic Cephalalgia

Pain is oftentimes perceived as a fairly simple problem that is corrected by the ingestion of pain killers, anti-inflammatory meds, etc. While in some cases these do offer relief, there are a large majority of pain syndromes that persist and go unanswered by conventional methods.

In reality, pain is a highly complex neurological process involving a number of stopping points that run from the actual site of the pain to the spinal cord and brain stem and end up in the highest areas of the human brain. This system is so complex that you can experience pain without having any problem where you actually feel the sensation.

So, what do you do if you’ve had problems with pain that haven’t really responded to medication or you have possibly become reliant on medications to manage your condition? Functional Neurology may hold the key to resolving your problems. In cases of pain issues, a skilled Functional Neurologist will be able to determine where within that complex system is the problem or problems that may prohibit you from getting better.

In addition, any other factors that might be affecting these conditions such as diabetes, anemia, inflammation, etc. will be addressed as the neurological systems are dependent on an appropriately functioning biochemical system to operate properly.

What we treat
  • Pain Disorders
  • Chronic Pain
  • Acute Pain
  • Complex Regional Pain
  • Inflammation
  • Pain from Trauma
  • Pain from Posture


(423) 468-3072
2120 Northgate Park Ln, Suite 301
Hixson, TN 37415
